
Conference : A bridge towards a carbon neutral economy

Date: 23 April 2019 16h00 (English/French, simultaneous translation available)

Location: Centre de conférences, Chambre de commerce, Luxembourg,  7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, Luxembourg-Kirchberg

The Luxembourg government’s ambitions to make the country a front runner in energy efficiency and in the reduction of greenhouse gases are currently much mediatised. But what do corresponding energy and climate policies mean for Luxembourg companies? What are the opportunities and risks of the energy transition for Luxembourg’s competitiveness and economic attractiveness?

Tomas WynsInstitute for European Studies
Claude ThurmesMinister of Energy

Keynote presentation (in English, with French translation) by Mr Tomas Wyns:

Author of one of the most cited analyses on this topic at European level, Mr Tomas Wyns from the Institute for European Studies will present the main issues of the energy transition and propose options for solutions for companies and policies.

European energy-intensive industries (EIIs) form the backbone of the European economy. As enabling materials industries, they reach into every possible economic sector, giving jobs to more than 2.5 million people. The energy-intensive industrial sector in the European Union (EU) holds strategic importance given that around 80% of the goods produced it produces are consumed all over Europe.

Tomas Wyns (CV) will highlight in his presentation the constructive and solutions-oriented role that the EIIs are playing to reach a carbon neutral economy. He identifies the key challenges of the energy transition and will determine a combination of possible key solutions that will help EIIs to further significantly reduce their emissions. At the same time, he will stress the need to address the necessary conditions to ensure that Europe is at the forefront of the energy and industrial transformation while staying competitive.

Tomas’ presentation is based on his research conducted in 11 European Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) – iron and steel, cement, chemicals and fertilizers, refineries, non-ferrous metals, ferroalloys and silicon, pulp and paper, ceramics, lime, and glass – to link with the European Commission’s Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Round table debate (in French, with English translation) with the participation of the Minister for Energy, Claude Turmes:

The guests will discuss the opportunities and risks of the energy transition and the future of the Luxembourgish industry. Guests are:

•    Mr Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy

•    Mr Christian Rech, CIMALUX S.A. / Groupe BUZZI UNICEM

•    Dr Horst Kappes, Paul-Wurth S.A.

•    Mr Tomas Wyns, Institute for European Studies

The debate will be moderated by Mr Gaston Trauffler (FEDIL).

At the end of the event, a networking drink will be offered to the participants.


16h00   Accueil des participants

16h30   Mot de bienvenue par M. René Winkin, Directeur FEDIL

16h35   Contexte de la transition énergétique par M. Gaston Trauffler, Head of Industrial Policy FEDIL

16h45   Keynote presentation : « A Bridge towards a Carbon neutral Economy »

par M. Tomas Wyns, Senior Researcher, Institute for European Studies – Vrije Universiteit Brussel

17h30   Table ronde thématique en présence du ministre de l’Energie, M. Claude Turmes :

« Les chances et les risques de la transition énergétique pour l’industrie luxembourgeoise »

18h45   Vin d’honneur