The half-day event will combine debates and exchanges of ideas between representatives from the worlds of politics, industry, science and academia with networking opportunities. The FEDIL Industry Day 2024 will be honoured by the presence of HRH Crown Prince Guillaume and by the presence of the Minister of the Economy Lex Delles.
The event is upon personal invitation only. Places are limited. The debates will be held in English.
14:00 Guests’ arrival
14:30 Welcome word by Georges Rassel, Chairman of FEDIL
14:40 Round table #1: “Carbon free industry, a huge case for public spending?”
- Impulse by Prof. Dr Bernhard Lorentz, Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Leader, Deloitte Deutschland
- Patrick Klein, Managing Director, Dyckerhoff
- Stéphane Tondo, Head of Climate Change / Governmental Affairs, ArcelorMittal
- Claude Turmes, former Minister of Energy and former Member of the European Parliament
- Laurence Zenner, CEO, Creos
Moderation: Dr. Gaston Trauffler, Head of Industrial Policy, FEDIL
15:50 Coffee break
16:10 Round table #2: “Critical supply chains – a story of access and exits”
- Impulse by Arnaud Lanoe, Investment Analyst, CapitalatWork Foyer Group
- Merete Clausen, Director for Investment, DG GROW, European Commission
- Isabel Hochgesand, Chief Procurement & Hazelnut Company Officer, Ferrero
- Jean-Louis Schiltz, Partner, Schiltz & Schiltz, Vice-Chair, FEDIL
- Paul Schockmel, CEO, IEE
Moderation: Emmanuelle Mousel, Partner, Arendt & Medernach
17:20 Closing word by Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy
17:35 Networking reception & barbecue
Access here the short CVs of our panelists.
For registration, please use the link in your personal invitation.
Den Atelier
54, Rue de Hollerich
L-1740 Luxembourg
We recommend the use of public transport.
(10 min. walk from main railway station)
(Bus 4/10/14/20/27 Station Fonderie)
Parking available at
1, rue de l’Aciérie, L-1112 Luxembourg
(Paul Wurth Geprolux parking spot)
This event is organised by FEDIL with the kind support of