Our actions
Digital transformation is at the heart of business concerns. Digital technologies increase productivity, improve energy efficiency and open the way to new data-driven business models. With this in mind, we want to help companies in their digital transformation process and raise awareness of the opportunities and risks of digitalisation. FEDIL deals with topics such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, e-administration and e-government, industry 4.0 and related digital technologies.
Research and innovation are crucial to the success of the two major challenges of the energy transition and the digital transformation. In order to support our members in their RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) projects, FEDIL closely collaborates with the innovation agency, Luxinnovation. Furthermore, we believe that RDI activities should be at the heart of a successful and future-oriented economy. Therefore, FEDIL has good relations with public research actors and advocates an increased collaboration between public research and companies.
In order to encourage creativity and innovation in companies and to honour those responsible for research and innovation projects in companies, FEDIL organises its Innovation Prize every two years.
Cybersecurity Assessment Tool
FEDIL is constantly working to raise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity within the ecosystem. To this end, we have developed, in collaboration with EY Luxembourg, a self-assessment tool for the cybersecurity situation of companies through a set of 50 hygiene rules.
Cybersecurity Forum
FEDIL has set up an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) for the manufacturing industry (IND) in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy. The IND-ISAC is a cybersecurity forum that aims to promote the exchange of best practices in a climate of trust and to establish risk scenarios specific to the manufacturing industry.
Digital Innovation Hub for ‘Industry 4.0’
To support its members in their reflections and steps towards digital transformation, FEDIL, together with Luxinnovation, has launched the Digital Innovation Hub Luxembourg – L-DIH, an information, awareness and networking platform for companies on issues related to digitalisation in industry.
The L-DIH will facilitate contacts between, on the one hand, companies that need access to digitalisation skills, technologies, services and support mechanisms and, on the other hand, suppliers of digital technologies and services that meet the needs of the industry.
We invite you to register on the platform www.dih.lu.

+352 43 53 66-602

+352 43 53 66-610